With Love From A Repeat Trip
I make a habit of returning to destinations I love. I often even try to return within the next year or two. An initial visit to any beloved spot is really to feel it out and get a lay of the land - a sense of the pockets you enjoy spending time and the “don’t waste your time’s” as we Dipas call them. There is a magic in returning to a place.

Highs and Lows of a Road Trip
Sun is out.
Big coffee.
Water bottle full.
Bag of snacks.
Green estimated trip time on the googs.

Do Air Your Grievances To The Hotel Manager
I would classify myself as a frequent traveler and sometimes fussy hotel guest. Last week, I traveled to Iceland. When my travel companion tested positive for Covid the day before departure, the trip became a solo mission. I flew overnight, landed in Reykjavik, spent too much time picking up a vehicle, hiked to see a waterfall, and finally arrived at Hotel Husafell in West Iceland about a quarter to six. I was in a fragile state at best.