Dipa Thinking

1. Just because you like to travel regularly doesn’t make you a wanderlusting hippy, a box-checking Instagrammer, or a jetsetting princess. Exploring the world, near and far, will make you a better person in your daily life, and doesn’t have to mimic the style of other’s travels.

2. The outdoors can be fashionable. For multi day treks, yes you need technical clothes that are sold for performance. Somehow we have been sold by marketing that we need to heavily gear up in nerdy technical gear for even a mild day hike. Please stop doing that. Natural materials like wool and cotton are more than adequate, you probably do not need those hideous bigfoot hiking boots either. Look chic out there!

3. Traveling by yourself, especially as a woman, is not weird, lonely or scary. It’s fulfilling and fun and leaves you time to engage fully with a place, its people, and yourself.

4. Destinations near and far can both be inspiring, not every trip has to be to the far-flung ends of the earth.

5. You can usually cover more ground than you think in a short period of time. Flying somewhere a little exotic after work on a Wednesday night and back in the office by Monday can change your entire headspace when you sit back down at that desk.


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